
Mount Hawthorn House Courtyard_sml.jpg

Buildings and their construction together account for 36 percent of global energy use and 39 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions annually (according to the United Nations Environment Program)

WE believe that as part of this industry we have a responsibility to address our projects sustainably. Sustainability for us refers to environmentally, economically culturally and socially accountability.

Whether or not you believe in the climate emergency, we feel leaving the world a little bit better than we found it for the next generation is a pretty good goal.

Not only do we want to make good design more accessible, we want to do it in a way that is gentle to our planet. For us this has meant:

  • taking on projects outside of a traditional architecture practice model like Open House Perth

  • helping our clients understand the impact of their brief, material and Project sizes

  • understanding emerging technologies/ materials thru research

  • working with existing structures and recycled materials where possible

  • understanding passive design principals to make projects more efficient

  • For us, this has meant un-learning some architectural and building Models from a number of decades, going back to a simpler era where understanding locations and materials and Construction types can provide the greatest energy Efficiency wins - and applying key technologies and materials as required.